Recovering from Porn addiction
So, you told your wife that you don’t want her to feel alone. That you want her to talk to someone so that she can get advice to help her heal. Great! I did the same thing with Britt. I felt like I was…
Last week was heavy. Last week I talked with over 20 women whose lives have been forever altered by pornography. I talked with wives who have recently discovered their husbands have been viewing porn. I talked with daughters who have discovered porn on their fathers’ devices. I talked with women who have become addicted to porn themselves through the encouragement of their husbands.
And today, I am soul-piercingly tired.
After talking with yet another woman who found porn on her husband’s phone, I had to take a break to process. What emerged was this open letter I am sharing with you in an effort to describe exactly what I see when I sit down with your wives. This is not about one specific couple. You would be surprised how consistently similar the stories are. These are the common threads I see in nearly every conversation with a wife who discovers her husband has been looking at porn.
I just wanted you to know.
I have a friend I haven’t seen in close to a decade. Ten years ago, this person was young, vibrant, happy, and faithful to the Lord. When I saw this person again I didn’t even recognize them. Ten years filled with drugs, alcohol, despair, and drifting from God had physically and mentally morphed them into a dark, hollow, angry individual. Someone who seemed to have aged more than twenty years in just ten. A completely different person in every way from the friend I once knew. Sin does that to a person.
You don’t want to do it. You just want it to be done. You’re kinda like me. I’d really like to play an instrument, but I just never actually learned. Why? Because I want to know how to play. I don’t want to learn…
You have great intentions, but you also have too much time on your hands. That’s when the temptation to look at porn loves to creep in. Today, instead of looking at pornography, keep yourself busy by choosing to engage in one (or all) of…
Without further ado (because this is how I blog)… If you really want to quit looking at pornography here are a few things that helped me quit and have continued to help me stay quit: 1. Turn and Face it! A brother (our premarital…
I had a topic in mind to write about this week, but after reading an article on porn and sexual abuse I decided to point you to that information instead. It’s about porn and our kids. Porn use greatly increases the likelihood of violent…
Does your wife really need to know about your battle with porn? [Spoiler: YES! Here are a few tips on making the confession] “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth….
If you’re quitting porn and you’re smart, one of the first things you’ll do is get rid of internet access through your phone. While there are filters, restrictions, and accountability software available to help control internet usage on your phone, that’s usually not enough…
Welcome to The Beaten Road blog! I want to start this blog with some blunt truths because I want you to know from the beginning that this is a place to come for information that is real and usable. I’m not much of a…