Coming Soon! A Book for Wives of Porn Addicts

One moment can destroy everything…

“Don’t come home,” Marie texted Isaac. She had received an odd email that afternoon – an invitation to a chat room. Hoping it was spam, Marie decided to take a quick look at the search history on her husband’s tablet, just to ease her mind. What she found made her head pound. Her world seemed to fall apart before her eyes as she scrolled page after page of sickening images. In their 10 years of marriage, Marie had never once entertained thoughts of infidelity. But now, as she browsed Isaac’s bookmarked sites, she calculated the best way to show her husband what it felt like to be cheated on. Her own thought appalled her. And yet…

Does Marie’s reaction surprise you? Probably not. Shock regularly brings to mind thoughts which would ordinarily be far out of character. Depression, rage, anxiety, a desire for revenge, and even suicidal thoughts are not uncommon reactions to a revelation of betrayal in marriage. Whatever your initial reaction to discovering your husband’s porn use, I can assure you it was not unique. There is nothing you felt in that moment that has not been felt by hundreds of other women in similar situations.

It is normal to feel:
        Betrayed – You have been betrayed.
        Angry – Your husband has committed a sin against you and against God.
        Depressed – Your husband has destroyed your faith in your marriage.
        Overwhelmed – You’re facing a crisis that will not suddenly disappear.

Feeling stressed, daunted, humiliated, and confused is to be expected as you process this crisis. Porn use is a violation of trust, and trust is one of the most basic foundations of your relationship. Take away trust, and the construct of your entire marriage starts to crumble. The cascade of emotions you are experiencing is a response to the disintegration of that trust. It’s called “Betrayal Trauma.”

Excerpt from “The Other Side of the Storm: Recovering from Your Husband’s Porn Addiction” by Brittany and Joshua Richardson

What if there IS hope for your marriage after porn?

From the Back Cover:

“When Brittany Richardson discovered her husband had been hiding a pornography addition, she was ready to kill him. But she discovered hope, and in The Other Side of the Storm, she offers that same hope to women who find themselves in the same nightmare she was in.

You will be helped as she shows: possible reasons your husband viewed porn and how to help your husband recover from it, what multi-billion dollar industries are trying to do to your marriage and, most importantly, how to recover from the betrayal and come out on the other side with a stronger, more fulfilled, marriage.

With counsel from God’s word, stories from other women in the same situation, and her own research, Brittany has crafted a book that needed to be written, and one that needs to be read by all women who are married or want to be.

You owe it to yourself to read this book.”

Cobb Publishing

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