5 Things To Do Today Instead of Watching Porn

You have great intentions, but you also have too much time on your hands. That’s when the temptation to look at porn loves to creep in. Today, instead of looking at pornography, keep yourself busy by choosing to engage in one (or all) of the suggestions below.

1. Expend energy

Exhaust yourself. Hike, bike, go paintballing or rock climbing, conquer the world… Do anything that gets you away from screens and uses up your adrenaline. Pent up energy is a set up for temptation.

2. Invest in Relationships

Connecting with real people in real life is a strong safeguard against porn. You aren’t likely to look at pornography while you’re at Taco Bell grabbing lunch with your kids or shooting hoops with the guys. Porn is all about virtual reality. One of the keys to quitting is to become deeply invested in face-to-face interactions with people in the real world.

3. Find a Purpose

Pornography is very self-serving. It turns you inward, concentrating only on your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, and your pleasures. Get out and consider others! Figure out what someone else needs and how you can fill that need. Sometimes finding an organization to volunteer with is a good idea, but I usually recommend something more personal. Something you have to work at more. Helping someone one-on-one takes time and emotional investment. It grows you and helps them more profoundly. Working in this way also helps with suggestion number two – you are building even more relationships.

4. Get It Done

Look at the things around you that you’ve not completed or even started on and actually get them knocked out. Get the lawn mower up and going for this spring, get your car’s oil changed, write the term paper you’ve been putting off, get a head start on the project you are supposed to be working on Monday. Whatever is on your unending to-do list, get it done. All the way marked off and accomplished! Get to it!

5. Read Your Bible and Pray Every Day…

“…and you’ll grow, grow, grow” as the children’s song goes. As it turns out, it’s very true. Stopping your pornography use is going to grow you exponentially, but to stop in a productive way you are going to need God’s help. You don’t want to rid your life of pornography just to have it filled with seven other worse demons than you already faced (Luke 11:24-26). You need God’s help. You need to open the conversation by speaking to God through prayer and allowing Him to speak to you through His Word.

Whatever you do today, make it count.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

Stay on the beaten road, friends.


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